Over 150 Patients Accommodated In Overflow Beds At Ennis General Last Month


It’s claimed the role played by Ennis General Hospital in alleviating a recent surge in overcrowding at UHL highlights the clear need for an Emergency Department in the county town.

New INMO figures show a total of 151 patients were accommodated on trolleys and overflow beds there last month, following the deferral of scheduled outpatient appointments, elective and day surgeries at UHL.

According to the Friends of Ennis Hospital, the majority of these service users would have been from County Clare, citing that step-down care placements are generally based on patient convenience – in the same month just 10 patients were on trolleys at Nenagh.

Chairperson Angela Coll insists Clare is suffering more than any other county when it comes to deficits in acute care.

You can listen to the full interview below.