Women’s Network Says Mayor’s Network Shows Need For Attitude Change


The Clare Women's Network says remarks made to three of Clare's female election candidates highlights the need for local and national representatives to be trained on issues surrounding gender equality.

At a recent council meeting, in wishing his three female local authority colleagues well, the Mayor of Ennis said walking on the campaign trail would be good for their figures.

Mayor Daly says the comments weren't meant to cause offence.

At the monthly meeting of Clare County Council, Councillor Pat Daly told hree local authority colleagues standing for election that walking on the campaign trail would be "good for yer figures".

Councillors Mary Howard, Ann Norton and Clare Colleran Molloy have all come out in support of Mayor Daly, saying they didn't take offence from the comments.

Mayor Daly has played down the remarks saying they were never meant to cause upset:

But the Mayor's comments have attracted attention online and on the campaign trail and the Clare Women's Network says it highlights the needs for local and national representatives to be trained on issues surrounding gender equality.

Elaine Dalton says there remains difficulties for women within politics and the broader issue needs to be acknowledged in order for the situation to change.