New opinion poll shows drop in support for coalition


A new opinion poll has shown a five-point swing against the coalition in a week. 

The Red C poll for tomorrow's Sunday Business Post shows Sinn Fein support up 3 points in a week, while Fine Gael is down 3 and Labour 2.

The poll of 1,008 adults was carried out between Monday and Thursday of this week, the first full week of campaigning.

It shows Fine Gael support at 28 per cent, down by 2 points compared to a similar poll published midweek and down three since one last weekend. 

Labour meanwhile are unchanged at 8 compared to midweek, or down 2 since last weekend – meaning the coalition is some distance short of being returned with a majority.

Sinn Fein are the big winners, up three points to 20. Fianna Fáil are unchanged on 18 since the midweek poll or up 1 on a week ago.

Independent candidates are on 16 per cent, with the Social Democrats on 4, the triple-A/People Before Profit on 3, the Greens on 2 and Renua on 1.