Death Toll In Nice Rises To 84


The death toll in the latest terrorist attack in Nice has risen to 84.

A truck ploughed through a crowd in the South of France yesterday as they celebrated the country's national holiday- Bastille Day.

Onlookers describe how the truck travelled for more than a mile, before the driver got out and started shooting.

The man – believed to be a 31 year old French-Tunisian – was later killed by police.

French president Francois Hollande says there's no denying the Nice attack was an act of terrorism.

Addressing the nation, he promised to bolster security.

Taoiseach Enda Kenny TD says he is deeply shocked and saddened at the horrific attack in Nice. 

In a statement issued this morning Mr Kenny said "Once again innocent people have been targeted at an occasion of joy and celebration". 

He also says he wishes to express deepest sympathies and solidarity to President Hollande and to all of France on behalf of the government and Irish people.