Two Flights Divert To Shannon Airport With Medical Emergencies


Two flights diverted to Shannon Airport within 20 minutes of each today after both declared medical emergencies.

A Westjet flight from London Gatwick Airport to St John’s, Newfoundland turned around west of Loop Head after the crew reported that a passenger had taken ill.

The Boeing 737-700 jet diverted to Shannon where it landed safely at 11.53am. Airport fire crews were standing by for the flight when it touched down.

The passenger was removed by ambulance to University Hospital Limerick (UHL) for treatment.

In the meantime, the crew of another transatlantic flight requested clearance to divert to Shannon.

A Delta Airlines flight was en route form Paris to Minneapolis in the US when it turned around west of Donegal.

The flight landed at 12.13am and was also met on the runway by airport fire crews. 

The passenger was also removed by HSE ambulance to UHL for treatment.