Deal Struck On Garda Pay


A deal has been struck between the Department of Justice and Gardaí as part of a dispute over pay.

It's hoped the agreement will avert the threat of any potential strike action.

In July the Garda Representative Association announced it was withdrawing co-operation from the Department of Justice's 'transformation agenda' as part of its dispute over pay.

It followed the Government's move to impose a freeze on increments because the GRA had rejected the Lansdowne Road Agreement on public sector pay.

After months of negotiations – a Department of Justice spokesman has confirmed a deal was reached on Friday night.

It's understood the agreement will see the return of pay increments – while a 4000 euro rent allowance will be paid to new recruits.

The GRA recently balloted its 10'500 members on their willingness to engage in industrial action – but its understood they will now be balloted on this new deal – after it is considered by the Associations Central Executive Committee.