Morning Focus Wednesday 23rd July


On Wednesdays Morning Focus John began by speaking to Deputy Clare Daly and Clare Fine Gael Senator Tony Mulcahy as Clare along with Mick Wallace TD were arrested yesterday for trespassing at Shannon Airport.  It's understood the pair were attempting to inspect US military aircraft there. 

Deputies Wallace and Daly are understood to have accessed a remote taxiway at Shannon Airport at around 12:20 this afternoon.  Both were wearing high-visibility vests at the time, and anti-war group Shannonwatch says the two were attempting to search a US Hercules cargo plane and a modified Boeing 737 for weapons.  The pair were stopped on the tarmac by airport police before being handed over the Gardai who took them to Shannon Garda Station.  They were then released without charge at 1:30 yesterday afternoon, and a file is to be sent to the Director of Public Prosecutions.

The number of people donating blood dropped by 4 per-cent last year.  That's according to the Irish Blood Transfusion Service which is launching its annual report for 2013.  Over 82,690 donors gave 135,547 donations last year compared to 85,762 people giving 141,350 donations in 2012.  John spoke to Paddy Boland Operations Director at the Irish Blood Transfusion Service about the fall in numbers and how the plan to get the figure back up. 

If cycling and video went on a date and fell head-over-heels in love, Black Umbrella – The Clare based production company – is their first born.  They produce quality imagery – both in video and photography for cycling fans alike.  The first show aired at 4pm on SETANTA SPORTS IRELAND yesterday. John is joined in studio by Adrian O' Connor and Jill Leonard who are Co-founders of the company to chat about the company's recent success and what the next step is for Black Umbrella. 

Carmel Madigan author of 'Seasons, Species and Patterns of a North East Atlantic Rocky Shore' joined John in studio ahead of her book launch tonight.  This book is based on a research and photographic journey at Ross Beach, Loophead, which is adjacent to the famed tourist spot of the Bridges of Ross.  Her parents, Mai and PJ Magner together with at least ten ancestral generations of the family have lived adjacent to Ross beach, and were coastal farmers, fishermen and victims of the ocean. In the book Ms Madigan reflects on the history and uses of the beach through time, as handed down from one generation to the other, including the fact that during the Famine era, both Limpets and Periwinkles had become extinct here.

More than 2500 visitors have so far flocked to see the White Tailed Sea Eagles Viewing & Information Point on the shores of Lough Derg in County Clare since it was officially opened on July 4th.  Located at Mountshannon Pier and funded by Clare County Council, the new tourism development features telescopes and information and displays about Ireland's largest and most spectacular breeding birds, including the first of the species to be born in the country in 110 years. John spoke to Dr. Allan Mee of the Golden Eagle Trust to see how the chick we are trying to name here on Morning Focus is doing. 

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