Pay By Weight Bin Charges And Electronic Tagging To Be Considered By Cabinet


The cabinet is considering bin charges, an increase in the price of stamps and the electronic tagging of suspected criminals this morning. 

The cabinet is considering bin charges, an increase in the price of stamps and the electronic tagging of suspected criminals this morning. 

Ministers Frances Fitzgerald and Denis Naughten have memos at this morning's meeting. 

It's reported this morning that pay-by-weight bin charges won't now kick in next month.

The cost-by-kilo plan was due to apply from January with people opting in before July. 

However the system is now being seen as too inflexible and more time is to be given to coming up with a range of pricing options.

It's one of the items Communications Minister Denis Naughten is bringing to cabinet –  along with changes to the price of postage stamps.

The Minister reportedly wants to repeal the cap on the price of postage – which would allow An Post more freedom to raise prices. 

Justice Minister Frances Fitzgerald is also bringing a bill to cabinet that would allow people to be electronically tagged while they await trial. 

It would allow suspected criminals to be tracked while on bail. 

It's suggested Frances Fitzgerald's legislation would also allow the use of temporary driving bans for those facing serious traffic offences. 

Liam Herrick from the Irish Council for Civil Liberties isn't convinced that tagging suspects is useful for preventing crimes.

He believes the tag mostly acts as a tracking device.

However solicitor Kieran Cleary supports the bill.

He's also a member of Victims of Crime Ireland, and thinks a tag would be a preventative measure.