Morning Focus -Thursday 27th June 2019


On Thursday’s Morning Focus we looked at the challenging times ahead for the Irish economy in tackling climate change, with one of the sectors likely to face a tough transition being agriculture. Against that backdrop, the EU has faced criticism of “rank hypocrisy” on the issue.

A new report from the Oireachtas Agriculture Committee on the future of the beef sector says farmers need to play their part in reducing global emissions. But it warns any progress could be undermined by a planned new trade deal (Mercosaur) between the EU and some South American countries, which could make it easier for them to export beef here.
Coupled with the impact of a possible no-deal Brexit, there are deepening concerns for the beef sector in particular. Tom Lane who is the Clare IFA Livestock Chairperson spoke to Pat Flynn about how this will effect the Irish beef market.

The government may have to borrow large amounts of money to meet the cost of a no-deal Brexit. Despite that, the Finance Minister has said tax cuts could still go ahead if the UK crashes out. Paschal Donohoe announced the Summer Economic Statement this week, which sets out the budget plans for a hard and soft Brexit, and the challenges the Government will have to prepare for.
Dr Micheál Collins Assistant Professor of Social Policy at School of Social Policy, Social Work and Social Justice from Ennis who works at UCD joined Pat to discuss this in further detail about how it will effect our economy.

Many listeners will be familiar with Kilkerrin Battery Fort on the shores of the Shannon Estuary, close to Labasheeda.
It’s described as an artillery fort and was built in the early 1800s to repel a threatened invasion by Napoleonic forces. The Labasheeda Projects Group want to conserve and promote this important landmark and they’ve successfully secured the help of the Heritage Council through their ‘Adopt a Monument’ scheme. Ian Doyle who is the head of Conservation at The Heritage Council of Ireland gave us some insight on on how the ‘Adopt a Monument’ scheme works. Kilmurry Lime Kiln in Sixmilebridge has also been ‘adopted’ under the Heritage Council’s ‘Adopt a Monument’ scheme.

Raquel Noboa has started a nationwide campaign from County Clare to Green the hospitality industry one-step at the time. The challenge in question is to completely abolish individually wrapped condiments, sauces, sugar, butter pads…and all those non-sense plastics that are totally unnecessary but so prominent in the food service industry. A completely free training video with solutions, suggestions and statistics has been created on the and Raquel’s mission, is to Green the Hospitality Industry globally. The big dream, she says, is to run an international campaign that will reach businesses all over the globe and she’s joined us in the studio.

Kilkee Sub Aqua Club are fundraising for suitable vehicle to tow their club boat. Ger Haugh  who is a Training Officer & a Search and Recovery Diving Officer and Niall Keating who is the Kilkee Sub Aqua Club Secretary and PRO joined us to tell us all about the fundraiser and why there services are so important.

This year marks the 100th anniversary of the start of the War of Independence and if you’re looking for a broad overview of how the War developed across the country between the years of 1919 to ’21, there’s a recently published book that offers an accessible, lay-person’s guide.
It’s entitled ‘Ireland’s War of Independence 1919-1921: Ireland’s Guerrilla Campaign’ and it’s by Lorcan Collins. Lorcan’s been speaking to Morning Focus producer Fiona McGarry who began by asking him what prompted him to write the book.

And as always on a Thursday, we have an update on the arts and entertainment events taking place over the coming days. The summer seems to have arrived and with it, a wealth of music, and a feast of visual art.
Clare Arts Officer Siobhán Mulcahy has been speaking with Morning Focus Producer, Fiona McGarry about what to look forward to.