
Average House Price In Clare Up Nearly 22% Despite Drop In Property Sales

The average price paid for a house in Clare is up nearly 22% on last year despite a drop in the number of properties sold.

The latest figures from the Central Statistics Office show buyers in Clare forked out on average almost €203,000 in June.

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An overall €14.4 million was spent by buyers in the banner this June on a total of 68 properties.

The number of transactions is down 35% on the same time last year when 97 homes were sold.

Despite fewer properties changing hands, the price paid by buyers rose substantially.

The mean price paid for a home in the county in June was €211,713.

This compares to last year’s figure of €170,201 – an annual rise of nearly 22%.

When looking at the monthly change in the market, sales were down by a third.

However, similar to the annual comparison, the average price paid for a house in the banner rose between May and June.

Buyers paid on average 4.2% or nearly €9,000 more in June.

Of the total number of homes sold in Clare this June, a quarter of those were to first time buyers.
