Cross-Party Committee Of Midwest TD’s Meets For First Time To Discuss Shannon Airport

© Shannon Airport Picture

A cross-party committee of Mid-West TD’s has met for the first time to find ways to help Shannon Airport weather the COVID-19 crisis and ensure further growth.

The group, which was initially set up by Clare Fine Gael TD Joe Carey and comprises representatives from across the political divide and across the region, has acknowledged the importance of Shannon Airport and it’s future growth.

Meelick Fianna Fáil TD Cathal Crowe, who’s a member of the committee, says airport management has been left to fend for itself for too long, and that it’s time to step up and support Shannon, as well as balanced regional development.

Yesterday, SIPTU has announced that up to one-thousand jobs may be cut from Dublin and Cork Airports and while Shannon was unaffected, Deputy Crowe believes some staff at Shannon airport are now concerned.