
New Report Finds 80% Of Clare People Would Take Their Car To Hospital Before Calling An Ambulance In An Emergency

The need for improved public transport and the provision of housing have been identified as the most pressing needs for the people of the county.

The findings are contained in the Clare 2023 survey which will aim to shape the future of local strategic planning.

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The project conducted by the local authority in collaboration with the Limerick and Clare Education Training Board and Ireland Thinks collected data from residents in 37 towns and villages.

Participants were asked to rate a wide array of aspects in their localities on a scale of 1 to 5, with one being poor and five being excellent.

Public Transport was rated as the worst service in the county, with 53% of people scoring it between 1 and 2.

Access to housing was the next lowest rated feature here receiving an overall satisfaction grade of 2.4 out of 5.

The highest satisfaction rating however was for Clare as a place to live which registered a 4.0 on the scale.

Additionally 41% of respondents felt their local healthcare needs were not being adequately met.

The survey went on to ask the question ‘If you had to go to a hospital how would you get there in the event of a minor emergency?’

In response, 80% said they would take their own car or get a lift and just 10% said they would call an ambulance.

Finally when the asked to declare their preference for housing in the county, 72% wished to see more affordable housing schemes, with 44% opting for social developments instead.

The full survey can be read here
