
Lifting Eviction Ban Has Added Fuel To The Fire Of Homelessness Says Clare SF Rep

A Clare Sinn Féin representative insists the lifting of the eviction ban has added fuel to the fire that is the homeless crisis.

It comes as the party is tabling a bill in the Dail tonight, to implement an immediate and temporary ban on no-fault evictions, so that ordinary workers, families and children can’t be evicted by a landlord when they have done nothing wrong.

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The opposition has pointed to figures indicating that more than 4000 children will wake up on Christmas morning in a hub, hostel or B&B, which the party says is completely unacceptable.

Ennis Sinn Féin Local Election Candidate, Tommy Guilfoyle says promises by the Government that lifting the ban would not impact homeless numbers have proven untrue.

You can listen to the full interview here:
