Clare Man Charged With 77 Counts Of Rape Against Child Over 12 Year Period Pleads Not Guilty To Each Count

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A 66-year old Co Clare man appeared in court today charged with 77 counts of rape of a child over a 12-year period.

In the case before Ennis District Court, the man is facing a total of 132 sex offence charges made up of alleged rape and indecent assault counts concerning the female from 1977 to 1989.

In response to charge and caution by investigating Garda in the case, Det Garda Donal Corkery, the accused man replied ’not guilty’ to each of the 132 counts.

The man is charged with the rape contrary to section 2 of the Criminal Law (Rape) Act 1981 of the girl on  55 occasions at the same Co Clare residential address on dates between May 1st 1977 to October 1st 1989 when the accused was aged  22 to 34.

The Co Clare man is also charged with the indecent assault of the girl on 55 occasions between May 1st 1977 to October 1st 1989.

The man is also charged with an additional 22 counts of rape contrary to Section 4 of the Criminal Law Rape Amendment Act 1990 on dates between January 1980 and April 1985.

Solicitor for the accused, Colum Doherty asked that there be reporting restrictions in the case as his client has been subject to “certain utterances” outside court.

Judge Mary Larkin said reporting restrictions are in place due to the allegations involved.

Sgt Aiden Lonergan stated that the in-camera rule applies to the case.

Mr Doherty said he was not seeking to be assigned legal aid in the case at this stage.

Mr Doherty said he had furnished a copy of his client’s statement of means to Det Gda Corkery who has to clarify certain matters.

Mr Doherty said he was reserving his position on legal aid until then.

Sgt Lonergan stated that the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) has directed that the case be sent forward to the Central Criminal Court.

Sgt Lonergan stated that the State is consenting to bail for the accused on a number of conditions.

They include that the accused not have any contact direct or indirect with the complainant and stay away from her residence and not park his car at or walk past her residence.

Judge Larkin remanded the man on bail to re-appear before court on September 22nd for the serving of the Book of Evidence.