Spend On Optical Care For Clare Medical Card Holders Rises By Almost A Quarter In A Month


The number of claims to fund optical care for medical card holders in Clare rose by almost a quarter in the month of November.

In October of this year, the HSE spent nearly €55,500 compared to the almost €71,000 spent last month.



Overall 1,880 adults, teens ans children received optical treatment under the medical card scheme last month in Clare.

This resulted in a total spend of €70,874 to opticians in the banner in November.

This is just over €100 less than what was spent last November, but is a rise of almost 25% on the €55,492 forked out in October.

Of those patients seen last month, 1,642 were adults, 49 were teens and 189 were children.

806 eye examinations were carried out and 1,074 appliances were paid for.