Clare Gardaí Warn Households To Ensure Prevent Summer Burglaries Are Prevented


Clare Gardaí are warning households to take extra steps to prevent against summer burglaries.

One in four burglars enter homes through an open door or window in the summer time, with thefts of tools, equipment and bicycles increasing by a third during summer months.

Clare’s Crime Prevention Officer says it’s important to remember to make your home look occupied and keep property secure at all times.

Sergeant Triona Brooks is also warning people to be mindful of over-sharing on social media, when away on holidays.


-Secure all windows and doors.

-Use timer switches or smart apps to turn on lights around your home.

-Cancel home deliveries and consider using a mail minding service.

-Ask someone you trust to check on your property at different times of the day.

-Tidy up before you go on holidays. Overgrown lawns or shrubs could give the impression that there is nobody home.

-Lock away tools, ladders and other items that could be used to break into your home. Use quality locks on garden sheds, chain valuable property, tools, bikes, etc. within.

-Property mark and photograph valuable possessions.

What about social media?

-While on holiday be mindful of what you share on social media.

-Avoid posting about upcoming holiday plans.

-Do not post status updates or pictures from your vacation while you are away.

-Turn off the location sharing settings on your smart phone camera.