Oireachtas Housing Comittee Member Calling For Residential Output To Be Maximised At Francis Street Site


A member of the Oireachtas Housing Committee believes any redevelopment works carried at Francis Street in Ennis should solely be for the purpose of increasing residential capacity.

Independent Senator, Victor Boyhan has visited Clare today just one week after, Ennis 2040 awarded a tender process to prepare a masterplan on the existing site of six unoccupied cottages in the town.

The project will aim to create a modern, mixed-use amenity integrateing commercial spaces, and green areas with scope to provide up to 45 housing units, with a public consultation process to commence in the coming months.

However Senator Boyhan has been telling Clare FMs Daragh Dolan that the council should aim to maximize housing output at the site while preserving the “historic cottages”.

You can listen to the full interview here: