Red Flags Erected At Spanish Point & White Strand Miltown Malbay


Red flags have been erected at both Spanish Point beach & White Strand Miltown Malbay.

It follows the identification of elevated levels of bacteria in bathing water samples from both locations.

On the advice of the HSE, Clare County Council has introduced bathing prohibitions at the popular amenities.

Its understood Run-off from the catchment after exceptionally heavy rainfall has resulted in the elevated levels of bacteria in the water.

In accordance with An Taisce’s Blue Flag programme, the Blue Flags at both bathing areas will be removed until such time as the water quality improves.

Statement from Uisce Eireann

The elevated levels of bacteria detected are due to the heavy rain which has impacted the Ballyvaskin Stream entering White Strand Miltown Malbay and the Spanish Point stream entering the Spanish Point bathing area.

Local authorities are responsible for the monitoring and managing of bathing waters. Bathing water quality can be impacted by a number of factors, including run-off from agricultural land and roads, dog and bird fouling and misconnections from houses and businesses.

Uisce Éireann’s role is to operate and manage wastewater infrastructure so it does not negatively impact on bathing waters.

Since its establishment, Uisce Éireann has made big strides in improving urban wastewater treatment across Ireland, including upgrading existing treatment plants and wastewater networks, and building infrastructure where none existed previously.

Overall the standard of wastewater treatment in Ireland continues to improve as a result of Uisce Éireann’s investment.