Clare SVP President Highlights Impact Of Petrol And Diesel Excise Duty Hikes On Older People

Photo (c) Baona from Getty Images via

The head of Saint Vincent De Paul in Clare believes rising fuel costs will place a particular burden on car-dependent older people.

Excise duty on petrol and diesel is due to rise by 7 cent per litre and 5 cent per litre respectively this coming Friday, with a further 8 cent hike for petrol and 6 cent for diesel coming at the end of October.

Meanwhile, the Irish Petrol Retailers Association, which represents 400 petrol retailers nationwide, is asking the government to postpone the increase until next year to ease pressure on the retailer and consumer alike.

Clare SVP president Denis Carty says as Clare is a large county with vast rural areas, many older people who rely on cars will be hit by the excise duty increase.