5% Monthly Increase In August Live Register

Photo (c) Google Maps

The number of people claiming some form of unemployment benefit in Clare has fallen by 5% last month.

The latest figures from the Central Statistics Office, which have just been published, show there were more than 4,700 people on the live register in the county in August, down 250 on the previous month.


4,703 people claimed some form of unemployment benefit in Clare in August, according to the CSO, representing a more than 5% decrease on the July numbers.

The figures also show that there were 295 less people on the live register in August in comparison to the same month last year.

The number of people recieving benefits in Clare under the age of 25 was 491 compared to the 4,212 over 25, while the split between male and female was even at around 50% each.

There were reductions in numbers in all areas of the county, with the largest portion of those in dole queues in April were in the Ennis area, where 2,339 people signed on, down from 2,452 the previous month.

In North Clare, there were 1,024 people on the live register last month, with 718 in West Clare and 622 in the East of the county.

The reduction is broadly in line with the national picture with 175,900 people on the seasonally adjusted figures, down by 7,000 from July.