Clare County Council Seeks Planning Permission For Ennistymon Office Building

Photo (c) Kanchanachitkhamma via

Clare County Council is seeking planning permission for the development of an office building in the heart of a North Clare town.

The proposed development would be located at the rear of the Ennistymon Hub on Monastery Lane, Ennistymon.

The local authority submitted the application on March 7th for the revelopment of a former retail storage building into a two-storey office building.

The works would entail the demolition of a steel framed and clad building located behind the Ennistymon Hub on Monastery Lane to facillitate the construction of a two-storey extension to the rear of the existing building.

As part of the development, the applicant states it would be neccessary to connect to existing public services and carry out ancillary site works at the rear of the Ennistymon Hub.

The application confirms an Environmental Impact Assessment screening determination has been conducted and concludes there’s “no likelihood of significant effects on the environment arising from the proposed development”.

For this reason, it determines “an EIA is not required”.

It’s noted that the works would be carried out on the exterior of a structure within Ennistymon’s Architectural Conservation Area and predicts the works would “materially affect the character of the area”.

April 22nd is the final day for submissions in relation to the application and a decision on planning permission will be reached by June 16th.