New Figures Reveal Summer Baby Boom In Clare

Picture (c) SeppH from Pixabay via

There was a considerable surge in the number of birth’s registered in the Banner in the Summer of 2023.

New figures from the Central Statistics Office show the average age of a first-time mother in Clare is also on an upward trajectory.


The average age of a mother giving birth to their first child in Clare was just over 31 years between July and September of last year.

In total 323 babies were born to mothers in the banner during this timeframe, marking an increase of 12% over the past twelve months.

The male to female ratio was virtually 50:50, with 163 baby boys born in the third quarter of the year and 160 girls.

61% of all births registered in the county were done so within marriage, the highest total here since records began.

There were also 252 deaths recorded in Clare in the third quarter of last year, meaning ultimately this county saw a natural increase of 28%.