Plans Submitted For East Clare Wind Farm Development


Plan have been submitted for a major renewable energy development in East Clare.

EDF Renewables Ireland Limited is seeking planning permission for a wind farm that if approved would have an operational life of 35 years.


Planning permission is being sought for a period of ten years for a wind farm development in the townlands of Kilane, Killeagy Ryan, Shannaknock, Killeagy Stritch, Killeagy Goonan, Ballymoloney, Magherareagh and Lackareagh Beg in East Clare.

It follows a successful application submitted by MKO Planning and Environmental Consultants on behalf of EDF Renewables Ireland last October for a 100-metre meteorological mast in Killeagy for the purpose of proving “updated wind data for the site and inform the turbine selection process for the wind farm proposal”.

The application submitted on August 21st outlines a development consisting of seven wind turbines with a tip height range of 179.5 metres to 180 metres, a rotor diameter range of 149 metres to 155 metres, and a hub height range of 102.5 metres to 105 metres.

A new 36.5 metre permanent meterological mast is proposed in Shannaknock – while it’s stated the upgrade of an existing site entrance off the L7080 and the provision of three temporary site entrances on the same will also be required.

To accommodate the development, the application claims tree felling will be required.

An Environmental Impact Assessment and Natura Impact Assessment are included in the application.

Submission can be made in relation to the development up until September 24th and a decision is due on the application by October 15th.