Clare Childcare Provider Bucks National Closure Trend By Opening New Creche

Photo (c) Wragg from Getty Images Signature via

A Clare childcare practitioner bucking the national trend by opening a new creche in the county insists a shift in mindset is needed about the profession in this country.

Laura’s Childcare opens it’s doors in Ballynacally today, amid the backdrop of more than 160 creche closures across the country in the past year, according to the latest available figures from the Federation of Early Childhood Providers.

Childcare providers have cited issues with the CORE funding scheme, soaring public liability costs and other financial pressures amongst their reasons for closures.


Owner of Laura’s Childcare, Ballynacally native Laura Corbett hopes the facility will help breathe new life into the local community, but she says the venture won’t be without challenges, as Ireland is lagging behind when it comes to the profession.

You can listen to the full interview here: