18-Metre Telecommunications Tower Proposed For Corofin


A company specialising in the provision of infrastructure for wireless communication providers has unveiled plans for a telecommunications tower in North Clare.

The structure, if approved, would be located on the outskirts of Corofin and would replace an existing structure of a shorter height currently in place on the same site.

Emerald Tower Limited submitted the application to Clare County Council on August 2nd for the development in the townland of Kilvoydan outside Corofin.

It proposes removing an existing 12-metre wooden telecommunications support structure as well as carrying out necessary associated site development works.

In its place, Emerald Tower Limited is looking to erect a taller 18-metre monopole telecommunications support structure.

The structure would carry antennas, dishes and remote radio units together with ground-based equipment cabinets, palisade fencing, an access gate, underground ducting, earth pits, an access ladder, and would have a concrete foundation.

The application also provides for associated works required for wireless data and broadband services.

October 27th is the decision due date for the application and submissions in relation to the development must be made to the local authority’s Planning Department by October 6th.