
Shannon Sewer Works “Overdue But Very Welcome”

An Irish Water investment aimed at addressing sewage issues in Shannon Town has been given a broad welcome.

Over two million euro in upgrade works are being carried out on the sewer network, where serious odour issues have posed an ongoing problem in recent years.

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But one local representative says the works are long overdue.

Irish Water’s €2.1 million investment aims to address structural defects in the Shannon sewage system.

The works will significantly reduce the threat of sewer collapses and blockages, as well as flooding and odour issues.

In recent years, Shannon made national headlines after a “sulphuric odour”, said to be emitting from the sewers, caused issues for those living locally.

While the persistent smell has been dealt with by remedial works carried out back then, there have been occasional issues in the years since.

Shannon Sinn Féin Councillor Mike McKee says while it’s long overdue, this work is very welcome.

Work is already underway in Shannon and is expected to be completed by July.

Capital Programmes Regional Lead with Irish Water, Eunan Canavan says after this is completed, they’ll be looking at upgrades in other parts of the county.
