
Full Suite Of Services Needed For Victims Not Just Beds Says Clare Haven

Clare Haven says it’s vital that a full suite of services is made available as part of the new Zero Tolerance Strategy on domestic, sexual and gender-based violence and not just beds.

It includes jail terms of up to 10 years for domestic abusers and increased prevention training.

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The new Zero Tolerance Strategy will see a 363 million euro budget provided over five years, under four pillars – Protection, Prevention, Prosecution and Policy Co-ordination.


Changes to laws will include a doubling of the maximum sentence for assault causing from 5 to 10 years.

While the number of places available in women’s refuges will rise from 141 to 280.

However, this falls short of the 340 additional spaces needed to comply with the Istanbul Convention.

Manager of Clare Haven Services, Dr Siobhán O’Connor has described the strategy as a breakthrough, which makes up for the failings of the last one, but she says victims need a full range of services and not just beds.

The plan also includes the establishment of a specific statutory agency.

Executive Director of Rape Crisis Midwest, Miriam Duffy believes this will be key in bedding in the new strategy.

Listen back to the full interview here:
