
Rape Crisis Midwest Appeals To Government To Invest In Early Education Around Relationship Violence

Rape Crisis Midwest is appealing to the Government to urgently invest in the education of children on domestic, sexual and gender-based violence.

Calls are mounting for stronger preventative measures around violence in relationships following new research indicating almost a quarter of adolescent girls will have experienced violence of this nature by the time they turn 20.

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A new analysis from the World Health Organisation published in The Lancet Child and Adolescent Health has shone a light on the prevalence of violence within relationships globally.


The key finding of the report is that 24% of women around the world – which equates to close to 19 milion – will have experienced physical and/or sexual intimate partner violence by the time they reach the age of 20.

According to the research, almost one in six – or 16% – have encountered such violence within the past year.

Speaking on the findings, the Director of the WHO’s Sexual and Reproductive Health and Research Department says “given that violence during these critical formative years can cause profound and lasting harms, it needs to be taken more seriously as a public health issue with a focus on prevention and targeted support”.

Clare Haven Director of Services, Siobhan O’Connor believes if such a high proportion of people was experiencing any other public health issue, it would be taken more seriously by the State.

One of the key aims of Cuan – the State sexual, domestic and gender-based violence agency established this year – is to lead on awareness-raising campaigns designed to reduce the incidence of such violence.

Managing Director of Rape Crisis Midwest Siobhan O’Leary believes the Government must prioritise early intervention to address negative attitudes towards women at the root.

You can listen to the full interview here:
