
Ennis Residents To Have Their Say On Revitalisation Of Vacant Building

Residents of Ennis and surrounding areas will soon get to have their say on which vacant building in the area they’d like to see brought back into use.

Clare County Council has received funding through the THRIVE Town Centre First Heritage Revival Scheme to identify a vacant or under-utilised heritage or historic building in Ennis town centre for adaption into community use.

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Tenders for consultants for a new Integrated Urban Strategy in Clare are currently being sought and after these are appointed, a public consultation event will take place in late September where locals can weigh in on which building they’d like to be selected for the heritage project.

Clare County Council Town Regeneration Officer Joan Tarmey says it’s important the local authority gets a sense of what types of community buildings locals feel are lacking at the moment.

You can listen to the full interview here:
