
Moneypoint Job Losses A “Major Blow” For West Clare

The loss of over 100 jobs at Moneypoint Power Station in West Clare has been described as a major blow for the area.

The ESB met with staff at the coal-burning plant yesterday, when it’s understood they were told that the workforce will be reduced to 86 by October, with 106 workers being let go.

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Staff were told that voluntary severance packages and offers of redeployment would be available.

The power station is to cease its current coal burning operations by 2025, and the ESB says it needs to realign its operations at Moneypoint, though the company has not commented on the job losses.

Clare’s Oireachtas members are due to meet the ESB tomorrow, but Independent Kilrush Councillor Ian Lynch is confident there is a future for Moneypoint:

And you can hear more on this on Clare FM’s Morning Focus, this Tuesday morning from 9am.
