Century high number of Catholics in Clare


Last year’s census showed the highest number of Catholics in the county in a hundred years.

Yet while the number of people who link themselves to the Church is on the up, so too is the number of Clare residents who say they have no religion.

At just under 102,000, the number of Catholics in Clare is at it’s highest level since 1911.

The figure marks an increase of 4% since the previous census in 2006, and means that 87% of people here say they’re part of the Church.

Another 2,100 say they are members of the Church of Ireland, and another 6,400 say they have no religion.  This figure has more than tripled in the last twenty years.

The latest round of census results also reveal that 855 people in Clare registered themselves as being members of the travellers community, with 500 of these aged under 20.