Clare Carers protest over respite cuts


Family Carers in Clare have taken to the streets of Ennis to protest over cuts to their respite care grant in the budget.

Up to 50 people marched through the town calling on the government to rethink the decision to cut 325 euro from their annual grant of 1700 euro.

The grant is intended to provide carers with a break once a year, but local family carers in Clare says it’s actually used to fund basic household bills and support services for their children.

The Ennis protest coincided with a protest involving hundred of carers outside Dáil Eireann today.

The Carers in Clare are calling for the government to reconsider their controversial budget measures.

The Taoiseach says the decisions made in Wednesday’s budget will be carried through

Enda Kenny called for courage and understanding stating the decisions being made by government are in the nation’s interest.