Drawing, Kissing and Crochet top Irish Google searches


When it comes to upskilling, Irish people are most interested in learning how to draw, kiss and crochet better.

That’s according to new data on our most popular Google searches.

Details on Ireland’s most googled items show that more of us searched for information on the Irish football team’s miserable Euro 2012 campaign this year, than Katie Taylor’s success at the London Olympics.

In terms of celebrities, we googled Craig Doyle most often – followed by actors Michael Fassbender and Liam Neeson.

Benidorm topped the list of destinations searched, ahead of Paris and Berlin.

While our favourite shows on the box are Chris O’Dowd’s Moone Boy, along with Homeland and Love/Hate.

And the most frequently asked ‘what is’ question in Ireland is a mushy one – what is love? Other popular queries related to Scientology, the iCloud and Tumblr.