Court hears UK businessman steal life jacket from UK Shannon flight


A UK businessman who stole a life jacket from an Aer Lingus flight from London to Shannon could face prison time.

Ennis District Court has head that 37 year old Rohit Sharma from 8 Oakington Close, Sunbury on Thames, Surrey England took the life jacket from under his seat as he flew into the Mid West on Tuesday.

Gardaí told the court the life saving device was discovered by security personnel in Mr Sharma’s luggage when he was going through security at Shannon Airport to return to London yesterday.

Solicitor for the 37 year old said he was mortified by his actions and had taken the item for his 8 year old daughter who goes kayaking.

Judge Patrick Durcan told Mr  Sharma that he had potentially placed someone else in great danger and that jailing him was foremost in his mind.

Proceedings where then adjourned until today at Gort District Court