3 held as part of investigation into West Clare aggravated breakins


2 men and a woman are being held by gardaí investigating a series of aggravated burglaries in West Clare in recent months.

The 3 were arrested in the Miltown Malbay area last night as part of a joint operation between officers from Kilrush and Ennistymon garda stations.

Its understood that gardaí detained the three suspects – who are all in their 20’s as they were poised to target the home of an elderly couple in a remote area of West Clare just before 9 o’clock last night

The two men and one women were taken to Kilrush and Ennis Garda Stations for questioning and are being held under Section Four of the Criminal Justice Act .

The arrests come as part of an ongoing garda operation into a spate of aggravated burglaries on elderly people in West and North Clare in recent months.

In the latest incident, a gang of up to 3 people targeted a  61 year old man living in the Knockalough area on Holy Thursday night – Armed with iron bars they smashed windows to gain entry to the property, threatened the occupant and escaped with a sum of money.

An elderly couple in their 80’s endured a similar break in – just a week earlier in the Connolly/Inagh area – while in December two elderly sisters were robbed in their remote home near Moyasta,

That incident followed an aggravated the home of elderly brothers in Lack West in Kilmihil- during which they received facial injuries- while two other elderly brothers were also targeted in their house in Kilmaley