Ennis Woman Jailed for Four Years


A 23 year old Ennis woman who repeatedly stabbed her friend in a "frenzied" knife attack has been jailed for four years.

Charlene Sherlock, of Dromard on the Lahinch Road was told she was lucky she wasn’t facing a murder charge after the attack on 22 year old Nicole Keane. 
CCTV footage shown in court captured the events of April 13th, 2013 at the Holy Family School in Ennis where Charlene Sherlock was seen leaning over the lifeless body of 22-year-old Nicole Keane  "persistently and continuously inflicting stab wound after stab wound" .
Judge Carroll Moran said "words alone could not describe" the frenzied nature of the vicious and protracted attack.
Limerick Circuit Court heard that Charlene Sherlock assaulted Nicole Keane after accusing the victim of cheating on her boyfriend who is also Ms Sherlock’s brother.
The mother of a ten month old baby, from Dromard Ennis has 45 previous convictions and had pleaded guilty to the attack in which the victim, Nicole Keane suffered 22 stab wounds, a collapsed lung and damage to her heart which required emergency surgery and was lucky to have survived.
Telling Charlene Sherlock she lucky she was not facing a murder or a manslaughter charge, Judge Moran imposed a five year jail sentence, suspending the final year.