
Morning Focus – Thursday 28/09/17

Thursday’s Morning Focus was another lively show and it helped to resolve a mystery that Clare County Dog Warden brought to our attention earlier in the week, involving a set of bones that washed up on a Kilkee beach.

The show opened with an interview with haulier Eugene Drennan who told Gavin more about the impact of the new M17/M18 on those in his sector. He also thank all of those involved in the hugely successful Truck Run 4 Katie last weekend.

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Next up for discussion was the issue of rural broadband, now that there are further issues with the National Broadband Plan and Siro has pulled out of the tendering process for the State contract.

The issue of suicide in Clare was then discussed with new figures showing the rate in this county is still at pre-Recession levels. Gavin was joined by Dr Billy O’Connell of West Clare Taking Care, which was set up to address the problem.

The show then heard about the pain of living with arthritis. Nancy got in touch on the comment line (065 6846777) to share her story and advice was provided by Brian Lynch of Arthritis Ireland. Listen back below:

The next topic up for discussion was that of insurance for Men’s Sheds. Gavin heard earlier in the week of the challenges facing those in Shannon and Ennis in terms of insurance for their activities.

David Hall of the Irish Mortgage Holders Organisation and iCare was Gavin’s next guest. He updated Gavin on a deal struck with distressed AIB mortgage holders.

Pat Flynn then reported on the Older People’s Volunteer of the Year Awards. Listen back below:

Jenny Morton spoke to Gavin about funding projects sponsored by ChangeXBurre.

Tom Brytus a Czech national told Gavin why he hopes to follow in Willie Daly’s footsteps.

Melanie Croce of Seal Rescue Ireland then gave her view on the identity of the mystery bone found in Kilkee. The item is in the possession of Clare County Dog Warden, Frankie Coote. It was washed up on Farrihy Beach and initially thought to be human. A later theory is that it belongs to an ape or monkey. The Morning Focus team did a little research and found an alternative possibility. Listen back below:
