Dental Spending In Clare Up 30% In A Year

Picture (c) PIKSEL from Getty Images Pro via

Dental spending in Clare has risen by nearly 30% in the last year.

Figures from the HSE indicate that people in Clare have spent over €200,000 more on dental procedures so far this year than they did in 2022.

Between January and November of this year, Clare people paid a total of €1,055,177 to dentists under the Dental Treatment Services Scheme.

This is up €241,535 on the €813,642 spent in this county last year which indicates a rise of 30%.


October was the month in which the greatest amount of money was spent on dental services in Clare with dental expenditure in that month amounting to €110,381.

February meanwhile saw payments to dentists hit their lowest point with just €79,769 spent on dental procedures.

Nationally, the total amount paid to dentists between January and November is €58,819,516 which is up almost €10 million on the €49,436,638 spent across the same period last year.

This represents an increase of just under 19%.