Government Accused Of Putting Blake’s Corner “Before People’s Lives”

Photo by Baiba Rusmane

The Government is being accused of putting the character of two North Clare buildings before people’s lives.

With the tourist season now in full swing and a new school opening in the area, a renewed call is being made for “urgent remedial works” at Ennistymon’s infamous Blake’s Corner.

Not for the first time, the words “Blake’s Corner” and “hold-up” are being used in the same sentence.

In September 2022, An Bórd Pleanála approved Clare County Council’s compulsory purchase order to acquire the land necessary to construct an Inner Relief Road in Ennistymon.

The development involves pedestrianisng the existing Michael Conway Bridge beside the Blake’s and Linnane’s shop buildings, and constructing a new bridge for vehicle traffic approximately 80 metres upstream.

An end to traffic congestion woes were expected to be just around the corner as works were set to begin early this year but a judicial review of the development is currently taking place which has forced the Council to stall its plans.

Gussie Carroll, who owns Gus Carroll Electrical on Ennistymon’s main street, says locals and tourists alike are at their wits’ end.

West Clare Fine Gael local election candidate Bill Slattery is calling for “urgent remedial works” at the notorious junction in the interest of health an safety.

His call comes in the context of the scheduled opening of a 700-pupil secondary school in the town which is expected to compound existing traffic congestion issues there.

Clare County Council has stated “the buildings at Blake’s and Linnane’s are nationally listed and protected buildings which prohibits any works.. that would materially affect the character and nature of the buildings, including any works to the front steps adjacent to the N67”.

Lahinch native Slattery however believes local business-owners will take drastic action if the Council doesn’t step up and act.

You can listen to the full interview here: