Roche Ireland Announces Significant Development For Clarecastle Site


Roche Ireland has announced a significant development in securing the future of its brownfield site in Clarecastle.

The Swiss multinational healthcare firm has completed the first two phases of remediation at the 88 acre site and can begin the final stage of the decommissioning process.

Roche Senior Management marked the occasion with the presentation of a letter to Clare County Council offering the right of first refusal when remediation works are complete.

In return, the Local Authority will develop a masterplan for the site with the goal of attracting foreign direct investment and delivering sustainable jobs.

Project Owner and Site Lead at the Roche facility, Joe Murphy is confident the site will be returned to its former glory.

You can listen to the full interview below.

Addressing visitors to the site, Dr. Georg Singewald, Head of Global Manufacturing ScienceEngineering & Sustainability, Roche Basel, said: “The Roche remediation project is the largest project of this nature being undertaken in Ireland and represents a significant investment by Roche to leave a site that can enable a future investor to create sustainable employment. 

“Our objectives in decommissioning the 88-acre site are twofold – to deliver a site suitable for the creation of sustainable jobs into the future and to leave a positive legacy for the local community, Clare, and Ireland.

“This process is now well underway. Today’s event is the start of planning a future for the site. Roche will leave the site once the decommissioning is complete.”

Dr. Richard Huerzeler, Roche Chief Environment & Remediation Officer, said: “This lighthouse sustainability project launched by Roche will require the involvement of all key stakeholders to chart a sustainable future for the site.”

Commenting on the announcement, Cllr Joe Cooney, Cathaoirleach of Clare County Council said: “Clare County Council has worked closely with Roche as a major employer in the region over many years and more recently to support the decommissioning project. Today marks the next phase on this journey and it is important that the Local Authority plays a key role in shaping the future development of the Clarecastle site.”

Pat Dowling, Chief Executive of Clare County Council noted: “Clare County Council will complete a full Masterplan for the site that will set a clear vision for its future as a location for investment and employment in the Mid-West region. We look forward to embarking on this next phase in partnership with Roche, the IDA, Enterprise Ireland and others. It is important that the development of the site is integrated with the overall development of Clarecastle and be complementary to the village and community.”