Taoiseach Describes Shannon Estuary Taskforce Report As Ireland’s Moonshot For The 21st Century

A new action plan which aims to produce 30GW of Atlantic offshore wind energy in the Shannon Estuary Region has been described by the Taoiseach as Ireland’s Moon-shot for the 21st century.

The Shannon Estuary Economic Taskforce Report has identified the potential creation of 50,000 new jobs in the catchment area by 2050.

The Taoiseach and a host of Cabinet Ministers fittingly made the trip to Ardnacrusha Power Plant in South-East Clare today to unveil a new action plan with the aim of securing Ireland’s renewable future.


The Shannon Estuary Economic Taskforce Report has set out key recommendations for government with a view to harvesting 30GW of Atlantic offshore wind energy by 2050.

The potential output would be enough to satisfy Ireland’s current electricity demand five times over, while the process of achieveing that goal is forecast to deliver 10,000 new green jobs and net zero status to the region by 2035.

The taskforce, comprised of key stakeholders from Clare, Limerick and Kerry County Council’s’ the Technological University of the Shannon, the University of Limerick, the ESB and Shannon Airport Group, has however identified some key challenges.

Among them are the requirements to attract €100 billion of private investment, and the need to expedite the development of enabling infrastructure, citing that Ireland is currently five years behind its competitors in terms of ports, grids, roads and housing.

The report has recommended immediately prioritising the completion of the Limerick Northern Distributor Road, as well as the establishment of rail link at Shannon Airport and a maritime training centre of excellence in Kilrush.

Green Party Leader, Minister for Transport and the Environment , Eamon Ryan was in attendance, he says the report will pave the way to sustainably transform the economy of the Midwest.

Upon commissioning of the project in 1922, The Shannon Hydroelectric Scheme accounted for one-fifth of the free states budget.

The Ardnacrusha power plant would ultimately serve to supply 96% of the national grid in its emerging years and the Taoiseach has described todays report as Ireland’s ‘moon-shot’ for the 21st Century.

Currently, the Shannon Estuary has nine sites encompassing 1,250 hectares of land zoned for deep water access.

However, complications in Ireland’s planning application process have been cited as a concern in the report, with An Bórd Pleanála taking up to a year in some cases to make final decisions.

Notably, Norwegian firm Equinor left the Irish market in 2021 in the midst of a project at Moneypoint , citing difficulty with Ireland’s planning regime.

However speaking at the launch, Taoiseach Leo Varadkar, insists the government are taking firm steps to ensure offshore wind projects in Clare and beyond won’t be placed at risk.

You can listen to the full report below.