10% Rise In Waiting List For Inpatient Appointments In MidWest

Picture (c) DarkoStojanovic via canva.com

There’s been a near 10% increase in the numbers waiting for an inpatient hospital appointment in the MidWest last month.

It comes as over of 40,000 patients are waiting to see a consultant in Ennis General and University Hospital Limerick.

The latest figures from the National Treatment Purchas Fund show that 42,730 people were waiting for an inpatient or outpatient appointment at Ennis hospital and University Hospital Limerick in June.


This is a marginal drop on the previous month’s waiting list of 43,940 patients.

This means that in June, 94% of people on the waiting list in the MidWest were waiting for an appointment in Limerick.

Despite a drop in the overall figure and in the numbers still awaiting an outpatient appointment in the region, the amount of people in line for an inpatient appointment jumped.

There were 2,541 people on the list in June, compared to 2,317 in May – a rise of over 9%.

At Ennis General, nearly half of people were in need of a urology appointment.

While in Limerick, 36% of patients were waiting on an opthamology appointment.

It’s not possible to make an annual comparison as the data from June of last year is not available due to the cyber-attack on the HSE.

However, in the first six months of this year, the total number waiting for a hospital appointment in the MidWest has dropped by just 5.6%.