
20% Drop in Commencement Notices In Clare Last Month

There was a 20% drop in commencement notices in Clare last month compared to October.

Orders for only 18 houses were issued to Clare County Council in November.

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When a local authority receives word a person’s carrying out works or changing use of a building, they’re issued with a commencement notice.

It gives a good indication of the amount of construction activity due to be carried out in a county over the coming months.

Notices for 34 residential units were issued in Clare in November, compared to 37 the previous month.

This brings the total of residential units commenced in the county to 529 so far this year which is a sizeable increase on the 320 at this point last year.

Just over 41% of the orders given to Clare County Council last month were for one off builds, at 14.

Although Clare had less commencement notices that Galway County, it had more orders than neighbouring Limerick, Tipperary and Galway City in November.
