4 New TDs For County Clare


County Clare has four new TDs.
Counting in General Election 2011 went on until 2:00 a.m. this morning at the West County Hotel in Ennis, until 2 Fine Gael, 1 Labour and 1 Fianna Fail representative were elected to the 31st Dail.
Fine Gael’s Pat Breen topped the poll, followed by Labour candidate Michael McNamara, both of whom were elected following the 11th count.
The third seat for Clare was filled by Fine Gael’s Joe Carey, who was elected on the 12th count as was Fianna Fail’s Timmy Dooley without reaching the quota.
Independent Councillor James Breen came in fifth place and indicated he will not contest another General Election here in Clare.
The General Election results in Clare are likely to see three government representatives in a probable Fine Gael/Labour coalition.