
46 Searches Carried Out By Clare Gardaí Targetting Sale And Supply Of Drugs Last Week

46 searches were carried out by Gardaí in Clare in the past week as part of an operation targeting the sale and supply of drugs in this county.

The searches resulted in three seizures of controlled substances for sale or supply and seven detections of simple possession.

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On Tuesday, €5,320 worth of Cannabis Herb, 7 Cannabis Plants and €560 worth of Cannabis was recovered during the search of a house in Ballytigue, Lisdoonvarna.

The following day, the Divisional Drugs Unit stopped and searched a male at Ennis Train Station, who was found to be in possession of €2,310 worth of Cocaine.

While, on Thursday, a house in Quilty was searched and €2,000 worth of Cannabis Herb was recovered.
