
93% Of Private Rental Properties Inspected In Clare Failed To Meet Regulation Standards Last Year

Over 90% of private rental properties inspected in Clare last year did not comply with standards regulations.

New figures show that over 1,000 tenancies were examined by the local authority in 2022.

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To meet the criteria of the Standards for Rented Houses Regulations 2019, landlords must ensure that each apartment, flat or house being let, is free from damp and is structurally sound internally and externally.

Properties must also meet strict conditions surrounding food preparation, basic hygiene and fire safety and are subject to annual inspections by the local housing department.

Last year, 1.058 inspections, were carried out in Clare, including 52 re-inspections and ultimately just 97 units were found to be compliant with standards.

This means the failure rate for properties here was 93.8% .

In a statement to Clare FM, Clare County Council has confirmed that all landlords whose properties failed inspection, received an improvement letter detailing works to be completed within a prescribed timeframe.

Failure to complete these works may then result in the issue of a Prohibition Notice, which directs the landlord not to re-let the house until all violations have been rectified.

Of the houses examined in Clare last year, 137 were involved in the rental accommodation scheme, 360 were HAP properties, while just 37 dwellings were inspected after a complaint was lodged.
