
Almost 50% Of Homes In Clare Have Building Energy Rating Below C

Almost 50% of homes in Clare have a building energy rating of D or below.

This is in contrast to the national picture, with the majority of homes across the country having either an A or a C2 rating, according to the latest CSO figures.

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Of the 27,064 BERs that were issued in Clare by the end of June, 39% were either C2, C3 or D1.

Meanwhile, 10% of residential properties in the county have a D2 rating.

Only 6% of Clare dwellings are A-rated which is half the national average of 12%.

Similarly, 8% of homes in the county are G-rated which is marginally greater than the national average of 6%.

Kildare has the highest proportion of A ratings in the country at 24% while Leitrim has the lowest at 3%.

The average age of a domestic dwelling in Clare is 34 years while the average nationwide is 33.

Oil is the most popular main space heating fuel in Clare and is used in 56% of dwellings, with electricity the next most used at 20%.

However, mains gas remains the dominant main space heating fuel nationwide.

The number of domestic building energy rating audits published between April and June of this year was 23% more than the same period in 2022.
