Boost For School Campaigners In Sixmilebridge


Plans for the redevelopment of a new National School in Sixmilebridge are back on track.

The Department of Education has proposed that the building project for Saint Finnachta’s will be progressed through the architectural planning stage.

There was bitter disapointment in Sixmilebridge last year – when Saint Finnachtas was excluded from the government’s five year schools building programme- given it had been previously earmarked for expansion.

It currently has 10 prefabs on its grounds to cope with  student numbers.

The National school first applied for a capital grant to re-development the current building in 2005-  and 3 years later -the project went to the design team phase, but was then shelved.

Built in 1934- there are currently 431 pupils enrolled at Saint Finnachtas – but as the town expands – student numbers are expected to soar to over 500 in under two years time.

Now the Education Department has announced that plans for the new school development will move to the achitectural stage- the accommodation brief for the project is being finalised and the Department will be in further contact with the school shortly.

Welcoming the decision, Clare Fine Gael TD Pat Breen says the school badly needs to be redeveloped given the current conditions for staff and pupils.