
Clare Farmers Say Process To Secure Better Prices Far From Over

Farming groups in Clare say the process to secure better beef prices is far from over.

It comes after talks in the long-running beef dispute came to an end last night with agreements reached on a number of issues.

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Groups representing farmers and the meat industry met again at the Department of Agriculture yesterday, and following marathon talks which ended in the early hours of this morning, agreement was finally reached.

Agriculture Minister, Michael Creed says progress was made on important initiatives aimed at improving transparency along the supply chain, and improving communication between industry and farmers.

These include commitments on a review of the grid, a review of the in-spec criteria for the quality payment system bonus, the publication of an expert report on new technology and promotional initiatives for the beef sector.

But there was no agreement reached in relation to beef price increases, something the IFA President, Joe Healy thinks farmers will be disappointed with.

The Clare Chair of the Beef Plan group has described the commitments as “half-hearted”.

Joseph Woulfe says a meeting will take place within the next week to decide whether their organisation will accept the measures put forward.

The Cratloe-based General Secretary of the ICSA is warning that the process to secure better beef prices is long from over.

Eddie Punch believes there are questions on the bigger picture that need to be answered.

While the farming organisations seem cool on the deal, Meat Industry Ireland say they’re pleased that an agreement has been reached and says the focus now for the industry needs to be on the production of animals for customers at home and abroad.
