Clare Gardaí Warn Of Long Lasting Emotional Impact Of Burglaries

Picture (c): Garda Siochana
Picture (c): Garda Siochana

Clare’s Crime Prevention Officer says burglaries can have a long lasting emotional impact on victims, leaving them feeling isolated and vulnerable.

Sergeant Catriona Holohan is offering practical advice to help householders deter thieves, particularly as homes are left unoccupied during the summer holiday season.

Gardaí say burglars typically tend to be opportunistic and usually choose houses that have little or no visible security, which means homes that don’t look secure, seem unlived in, or provide unobserved access, could be at risk.


Sergeant Holohan, who’s based at the Crime Prevention Office at Ennis Garda Station says paying particular attention to your home’s boundaries can have a big impact in deterring would-be thieves.

“Make sure your front wall is no more than 1 metre high so a burglary can be seen from the street.

“Make your side and driveway gates the same height as the boundaries around them.

“Metal side and driveway gates are good because they allow the intruders to be seen. Add extra security with an anti-climb top.

“Gravel driveways and paths make a silent approach difficult.

“Store wheelie bins or other potential climbing aids behind locked gates, so burglars can’t climb up on them.

“Finally, rear and side boundaries should be between 1.8 and 2 metres high. Planting dense or spiky climbing plants acts as an additional deterrent.”, Sergeant Holohan concluded.